The D Channel

The Class of 2010 is worthless…
June 8, 2010, 12:15 PM
Filed under: misc, Uncategorized

…according to J. Queenan of The WSJ:

    Over the next several weeks, hundreds of thousands of Millennials will graduate from institutions of higher learning. They will celebrate for several days, perhaps longer. Then they will enter a labor force that neither wants nor needs them.

    They will enter an economy where roughly 17% of people aged 20 through 24 do not have a job, and where two million college graduates are unemployed. They will enter a world where they will compete tooth and nail for jobs as waitresses, pizza delivery men, file clerks, bouncers, trainee busboys, assistant baristas, interns at bodegas.

disturbing, to say the least. i wonder if this is an expectation of people working long after they should retire, or education not providing the skills necessary for successful job placement. to think, fighting tooth and nail to get a chance for a position that will ultimately provide me 2 coats of wax on my car? wow… that’s sad.

details HERE

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